
The policies on this website, including others that the University may add from time to time, are the official policies of Syracuse University. To the extent that different versions of these policies may appear elsewhere, the version set forth on this site shall be the official version and take priority over any inconsistent or conflicting version appearing elsewhere.

What is a University Policy?

A University Policy is a governance document that enhances the University’s mission by clarifying the institution’s expectations of its individual community members, mitigating institutional risk, enhancing efficiencies, and supporting the University’s compliance with laws and regulations. It applies to the institution as a whole or to a broad population of University faculty, staff and/or students.

A University policy typically:

  1. mandates action or constraints and establishes boundaries for conduct;
  2. helps ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and reduces institutional risk;
  3. changes infrequently and sets a course for the foreseeable future; and
  4. requires approval at the highest administrative levels of the University.

Policy Administration

Each University Policy has an Executive Policy Owner and a Responsible Office. The term “Executive Policy Owner” refers to the member of the Chancellor’s Executive Team who ultimately oversees the Responsible Office. The “Responsible Office” refers to the University department, office, or unit responsible for implementing, administrating, and enforcing a University Policy.

Standard procedures, business forms or other incidental information associated with a specific policy are subject to change more frequently than the general policy and therefore are maintained by the Responsible Office often separate from this policy website. As appropriate, the policy document will contain hyperlinks to the procedures, forms, etc., along with contact information and links to other related policies, definitions, and frequently asked questions.

The University maintains a policy administration function as part of the Office of University Counsel, which exists to assist in the policy development process. The current Policy Administrator is:

Abby R. Perer
Senior Associate General Counsel