I. Policy Introduction
This policy was established to ensure that fundraising and solicitation activities undertaken by Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), whether for the RSO or on behalf of a non-profit organization, are conducted in a fair, transparent, and responsible manner in compliance with all applicable laws and Syracuse University policies and guidelines.
Fundraising and solicitation activities must adhere to all Syracuse University policies, and city, state, and federal rules and laws. This policy helps maintain order and prevents illegal or unethical practices. Funds raised by RSOs are typically intended for non-profit purposes.
II. To Whom This Policy Applies
The Student Fundraising and Promotions Policy applies to all students and Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs).
III. Policy Principles
A. Fundraising Requirements
The following requirements are applicable to all fundraising activities by RSOs on Syracuse University owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled property:
- The sponsor of a fundraising activity must complete an Event Request Form on CUSE Activities and obtain approval for the fundraising activity from Student Engagement.
- The fundraising activity must benefit the University community in a way that is consistent with its educational mission.
- The purpose for which the funds will be raised must be consistent with the purpose of the RSO and must comply with all applicable policies of Syracuse University. Further, the fundraising activity must not violate legal, tax, or corporate restraints upon the University.
- A currently enrolled student member of the sponsoring RSO must be present during the entire event.
- In the absence of an available exemption, the RSO is required to coordinate with Student Engagement to ensure the collection, reporting, and payment of all applicable New York State Sales and Use Taxes.
- RSOs are responsible for ensuring that proposed activities comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations and University policies.
- Spaces in which the fundraising activity is occurring must be identified by a sign indicating the conducting RSO’s name, goods and/or services being sold, and prices.
- Neither individuals (regardless of affiliation with Syracuse University) nor private, commercial organizations may sell or promote the sale of products or services on Syracuse University owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled property except:
- Individuals or organizations with whom/which Syracuse University has a written contract.
- Individuals or organizations authorized in writing by Syracuse University to engage in the sales of goods or services for the benefit of an RSO.
- Commercial or corporate sponsorship of programs or events may be permitted by Student Engagement provided that no products and/or services are sold at the event.
- Syracuse University reserves the right to require third parties participating in or conducting fundraising activities to meet additional requirements, including, without limitation, requirements that such parties furnish evidence of insurance coverage acceptable to the University and/or agree to indemnify the University and University personnel against liabilities arising from their acts or omissions.
- Syracuse University reserves the right to approve and/or verify the identity of any proposed sponsor and the content of sponsorship materials associated with a fundraising activity.
B. Fundraising for Non-University Affiliated Charitable Organizations
Fundraising for non-profit, charitable organizations (e.g., The Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.) having no direct affiliation with Syracuse University is permissible provided that the above requirements are followed, and:
- The organization submits a statement of support on the organization’s letterhead to Student Engagement acknowledging that the fundraising will occur on its behalf and indicating the expected date of the receipt of the donation.
- The organization provides proof to the University that it is registered with the Secretary of State of the State of New York as a not-for-profit, charitable organization, that it has received an Internal Revenue Service exemption letter, and that its proposed use of University owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled property is in furtherance of its tax-exempt, charitable purpose(s).
- The RSO planning the event is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the event, other than those borne by the charitable organization.
- Educational information about the agency and the services it provides is made available at the event.
- Notwithstanding paragraph (6) above, in the absence of an available exemption, the charitable organization is responsible for the collection and reporting of all applicable New York State Sales and Use Taxes.
- The charitable organization is responsible for ensuring that its activities comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations.
C. Fundraising Examples
Syracuse University provides the following as general examples of items that may be used to raise funds. Syracuse University reserves the right to review and approve all items.
- Items for sale that have been produced by the organization (e.g., baskets, bouquets of flowers)
- Cashless donations through their University-established fundraising page
- Donations of items of value (e.g., clothing, school supplies)
- Items for sale that are directly related to the RSO’s mission or goals (e.g., plants sold by the Horticulture Club)
- Items that promote school spirit (e.g., buttons, balloons) but do not conflict with University trademark policies
- Pre-packaged items (e.g., candy, gum)
D. Marketing Requirements
- No advertising of fundraising events may be conducted until there is a completed and approved Event Request Form on file in Student Engagement.
- Spaces in which the fundraising activity is occurring must be identified by a sign indicating the conducting RSO’s name, goods and/or services being sold, and prices.
- All University, RSO, and venue policies must be followed including, without limitation, the Campus Posting policy, Schine tabling guidelines, and Student Conduct Code.
E. Prohibitions
Syracuse University reserves the right to restrict all fundraising activities to reasonable times, places, and methods. The following activities are specifically prohibited:
- Door-to-door fundraising on Syracuse University owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled property including the distribution of any materials, handbills, flyers, or literature.
- Fundraising for any candidate for public office, political party, or ballot issue.
- Sale or distribution of items that violate University trademark rights or existing contracts
- Fundraising activities that include the use of crowdfunding type activities (such as GoFundMe) or the solicitation of funding requests via 3rd party funding websites or tools (such as Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, etc.).
- Fundraising activities that involve the collection of cash. Exceptions to this prohibition will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Director of Student Engagement or designee. Exception decisions will consider record keeping requirements, 501(c)(3) status, and other related issues.
- Sales or distribution of food that is not pre-packaged and/or provided through Syracuse University Catering.
F. Locations
The specific campus locations listed below have established additional criteria for fundraising activities:
- Schine and Goldstein Student Centers: approval by Student Engagement, 230 Schine Student Center, 315-443-2718.
- Residence halls: approval by Student Living, 315-443-3637.
- Dining areas: approval by Dining Services, 201 Ainsley Drive, 315-443-3803.
- Academic buildings: approval by the appropriate dean, director, or building coordinator of the facility.
- Manley Fieldhouse: approval by the Department of Athletics, 1077 Comstock Ave., 315-443-4981.
- JMA Wireless Dome: approval by Manager of the JMA Wireless Dome, 900 Irving Ave., 315-443-3517.
G. Solicitation Requirements
Any Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) and/or individual students wishing to solicit funds or engage in the sale or promotion of services or products on property owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled by Syracuse University must receive written permission from Student Engagement. Student Engagement reserves the right to deny any application or restrict any such activity to particular locations, times, and methods.
RSOs, including Greek-letter organizations affiliated with Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, may sell items on property owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled by Syracuse University, provided they have an approved Request to Sell on Campus Form completed in advance of any sales being undertaken:
- Groups should meet with their Student Engagement RSO Consultant or their FASA Coach (for Greek-letter organizations) to complete the Request to Sell on Campus form in the CUSE Activities portal.
- This form will be reviewed by the Budget Manager in Student Engagement to determine if the sale is permissible and whether any New York State sales tax needs to be collected.
External vendors are not permitted to conduct sales on property owned, leased, operated, and/or controlled by Syracuse University. Sales may be permissible in the Campus Store, provided the appropriate permissions have been secured.
H. Additional Restrictions and Requirements
Syracuse University acknowledges that a policy of this nature may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise with respect to fundraising and solicitation activities. Therefore, the University reserves the right to impose reasonable restrictions and/or requirements with respect to the time, place, and method of fundraising and solicitation activities. These restrictions may be in addition to, or in lieu of, those set forth in the policy.
I. Enforcement
Failure to obtain permission to engage in or sponsor sales, fundraising, or solicitation, or failure to adhere to University policy regarding activities for which permission has been granted, will result in the curtailment and/or cancellation of the event by Student Engagement as well as a freeze on future RSO activities.
Community Standards has jurisdiction over complaints against any student or RSO alleged to have violated this policy.
J. Sanctions
Sanctions for violation of this policy by students and/or RSOs include, without limitation, fines and/or restitution, loss of the right to use University property or facilities for activities, loss of recognition for RSOs, other disciplinary sanctions, and other educational sanctions appropriate to the circumstances.
K. Accepting Donations
Student organizations may accept cashless donations through their University established fundraising page only and may not deposit funds into peer-to-peer payment systems and money transfer apps such as Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, and Square Cash.
University department donations made to student organizations should be expensed directly from the respective departmental account and not transferred from a University departmental budget into a student organization fundraising account. Funds maintained in the student organization fundraising account cannot be used to pay students for services.
IV. Responsibilities
- Responsible Office – Student Engagement. The policy will be reviewed every three (3) by the responsible office.
- University Management – Division of Student Experience
- Individual – Executive Director of Student Engagement
V. Record Retention
Records associated with the policy shall be maintained by the Responsible Office and retained or disposed of in accordance with University Records Policy and University Record Retention Schedule.
VI. Compliance
The Office of Internal Audit, Office of Compliance, the Responsible Office of this policy, and others may audit, investigate, and assess compliance with this policy. Non-compliance with university policies is subject to progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination per Staff Employee Disciplinary Policy.
VII. Definitions
Recognized Student Organization (RSO): A group of eight (8) or more Syracuse University students sharing a common interest or purpose that has successfully completed the recognition process and received recognized status from the University. RSOs represent varied interests including, without limitation, academic, governance, Greek-letter, honorary, and sports and recreation. SUNY-ESF students are permitted to comprise a portion of membership in Syracuse University RSOs
VIII. Policy Administration and Responsible Office
Student Engagement
IX. Responsible Executive
Senior Vice President and Chief Student Experience Officer
X. Revision History
September 2005: Original Issue
August 2010: Previous Revision(s)
March 2025: Current Version Approved