Staff Employee Disciplinary Policy


Staff employees

Policy Statement

The University follows a policy of progressive discipline that generally provides staff employees with notice of performance and conduct issues, and an opportunity to address those issues. In most instances, progressive discipline will involve a multi-phase process entailing some or all of the following: (a) the supervisor will discuss the problem or infraction with the staff employee; (b) if the situation remains uncorrected, a formal written warning may be given to the staff employee; (c) if the problem persists, further disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, may be taken.

In certain cases involving serious performance or misconduct issues, staff employees may be suspended or discharged for a first offense (e.g., violence, insubordination, theft, sexual harassment, etc.). Disciplinary action (including discharge) should only be taken after consultation with the Office of Human Resources. In special cases where immediate action is necessary, employment may be suspended by the supervisor pending a review by the Office of Human Resources.

Policy Administration

Date: April 2005