Benefits Information, Communicating



Policy Statement

Any questions to supervisors about existing or possible future University employee benefits should be directed to the University’s Authorized Benefits Administrators, located in Human Resources and Risk Management. Questions relating to most employee benefits, with the exception of short-term disability and workers compensation, should be directed to the University’s HR Service Center (X4042). Questions relating to short-term disability and workers compensation should be directed to the University’s Risk Management Office (x4011). The Authorized Benefits Administrators are responsible for ensuring a proper response is prepared in compliance with all legal requirements.

Any written documents that are distributed to employees that make any references to University employee benefits must be approved by an Authorized Benefits Administrator and contain disclaimers similar to the following:

  1. all benefits are subject to the terms of the applicable University plans; and
  2. the University reserves the right to modify or terminate any or all of the plans and benefits at any time.

Policy Administration

Date: April 2005