I. Policy Introduction
Syracuse University seeks to promote safe travel to events and activities occurring beyond the boundaries of University property by students and Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs). This policy outlines the processes, procedures, and requirements governing travel by Syracuse University students and Recognized Student Organizations.
II. To Whom This Policy Applies
The Student Travel Policy applies to individual student and RSO travel where the travel is sponsored by Syracuse University and/or when an individual student or RSO travels on behalf of, or with the financial support of, one or more RSOs of Syracuse University.
III. Policy Principles
A. Scope of Travel Covered by this Policy
Activities and events covered under this policy include:
- RSO travel
- Club sports travel
- Student Association-funded travel
- Travel by a student or students representing a spiritual or faith-based student group affiliated with Hendricks Chapel
- Travel by a student or RSO officially representing the University such as leadership academies, conferences, and other programs
All covered activities that involve traveling more than 100 miles from Syracuse, NY, are included in the Student Travel Policy. Journeys beyond the boundaries of the University campus but within 100 miles of Syracuse, NY, whether sponsored by the University or not, are considered field trips. Field trips are excluded from the Student Travel Policy and do not require the submission of travel-related paperwork.
This policy does not apply to study abroad travel, travel under the auspices of the Department of Athletics, travel organized by a school or college for academic purposes, or travel undertaken by individual students for activities or events not covered by this policy. Some examples include:
- Attending out of town athletic/recreational events as a non-participant (except when traveling on behalf of or with the financial support of an RSO as described above)
- Engaging in student teaching, internships, practicums, observations, or research.
- Participating in intercollegiate athletics competitions under the auspices of the Department of Athletics.
- Participating in community engagement activities organized by the Mary Ann Shaw Center for Public and Community Service.
B. Travel Rules and Requirements
All student and RSO travel within the scope of this policy must meet the following requirements:
- RSO travel must be consistent with the organization’s mission statement and constitution on file with Student Engagement.
- Travel must be planned so as not to create an undue interference with academic responsibilities.
- All travel must align with the expectations outlined in the Syracuse University Travel Safety Policy.
- All covered activities or events require the submission of a Student Travel Form or Club Sports Travel Request Form as outlined below:
- RSOs should submit the Student Travel Form to their assigned RSO Consultant
- Fraternities and sororities affiliated with Fraternity and Sorority Affairs (FASA) should submit the Student Travel Form to their assigned FASA Coach
- Spiritual or faith-based student groups affiliated with Hendricks Chapel should submit the Student Travel Form to the Hendricks Engagement Coordinator
- Club Sports teams should submit the Club Sports Travel Request Form to the designated staff person in Competitive Club Sports as outlined in the Club Sports Handbook
- Student organizations affiliated with units other than Student Engagement, such as academic units, should submit the Student Travel Form to their organization advisor
- All covered travel must be registered in the University Travel Registry by the appropriate department or unit, group leader, advisor, or other responsible party.
- All trip attendees must complete the required documentation in the University Travel Registry at least two (2) weeks before the scheduled trip departs.
- All students are expected to maintain updated emergency contact information in MySlice, per University policy.
- All University-sponsored travel must be accompanied by a faculty or staff member, unless an exception is granted by Student Engagement (for RSO travel whether sponsored or non-sponsored), by Fraternity and Sorority Affairs (for fraternities and sororities), by Competitive Club Sports (for Club Sports travel), by Hendricks Chapel (for spiritual or faith-based groups), or by the appropriate academic or administrative unit (for student organizations affiliated with units other than Student Engagement). If an exception is granted, a student officer from the RSO, Club Sports team, fraternity or sorority, or student group must accompany the trip and act as the responsible party (Student Trip Leader).
- For non-University sponsored travel, a student officer from the RSO, Club Sports team, fraternity or sorority, or student group must accompany the trip. Syracuse University will view this student officer as the party responsible for the trip.
- Faculty/staff mentors/Student Trip Leaders are required to discuss the Syracuse University Student Conduct Code with the recognized Student Trip Leader(s) organizing the trip.
- Students may not travel to a high-risk international destination without University approval. International travel to a high-risk destination (defined as a level 3 or higher by the U.S. State Department) must be requested at least three (3) months in advance of the proposed travel. The faculty member, administrator, and/or Student Trip Leader in charge of the trip, whether sponsored or non-sponsored, should hold a pre-trip planning meeting with all participants to discuss the planned itinerary, behavioral expectations, and transportation details.
- Transportation: The sponsoring University department should be prepared to arrange for transportation by official University vehicle(s), rental vehicle(s), chartered service, regularly scheduled transportation service, or, if necessary, personal vehicles. The following rules apply to the use of vehicles:
- University Vehicles: Only University employees can drive University vehicles. (Refer to the University Vehicle Safety Policy)
- Rental Vehicles: If rented with University funds, only University employees can drive; all terms of the rental contract must be complied with. The University prohibits departments or employees from renting anything larger than 12-passenger vans on or for University business.
- Contract Bus Service: Adequate insurance coverage for personal injury and property damage must be provided by the bus company. If the company carries less than five (5) million dollars per occurrence, Risk Management, 315-443-4011, must be consulted.
- Regular Scheduled Carriers: Regular scheduled transportation service providers (e.g., Greyhound, Amtrak, airlines) may be utilized for transportation.
- Ground Transportation: Ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft, as well as transportation by taxi/cabs/car services, may be utilized.
- Personal Vehicles: Personal vehicles, including those owned by University employees and affiliates, should only be used on a voluntary basis. The owners/drivers must provide their own insurance coverage. All student participants choosing to ride in a personal vehicle do so voluntarily and at their own risk. The University shall not insure or accept liability for any damage, loss, or injury resulting from the use of a personal vehicle. The University does not provide comprehensive or collision (physical damage) insurance for personal vehicles driven on University business, and the owner is responsible for primary liability insurance. The University does carry non-owner excess liability coverage to protect the University and employee in the event of a suit resulting from an automobile accident in which an employee was driving a personal vehicle on University business.
- Accident and Medical Insurance: The University does not provide medical insurance for any student’s participation in trips. All student participants shall be responsible for any medical costs they incur during and/or as a result of the trip.
- Participation: Only currently enrolled Syracuse University and SUNY-ESF students and designated University employees are permitted to participate in University-sponsored and non-University sponsored travel.
- Unstructured time should be kept to a minimum to reduce the risks inherent in unsupervised activity.
- The sponsoring department or organization should keep a list of all participants involved in the trip.
- Any trip taken without receiving the appropriate approvals, without submitting the required information/documentation, and/or that violates any other part of this policy, may result in individual and/or organizational discipline as outlined in the University Conduct System Handbook.
- All students, RSOs, and student groups are expected to comply with this policy. Violations of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action as outlined in University policies.
IV. Responsibilities
- Responsible Office – Student Engagement. The policy will be reviewed every three (3) years by the responsible office.
- University Management – Division of Student Experience
- Individual – Executive Director of Student Engagement
V. Record Retention
Records associated with the policy shall be maintained by the Responsible Office and retained or disposed of in accordance with University Records Policy and University Record Retention Schedule.
VI. Compliance
The Office of Internal Audit, Office of Compliance, the Responsible Office of this policy, and others may audit, investigate, and assess compliance with this policy. Non-compliance with university policies is subject to progressive disciplinary action up to and including termination per Staff Employee Disciplinary Policy.
VII. Related University Policies and Resources
- Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Handbook
- Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Community Guidelines and Expectations
- Club Sports Handbook
- Student Conduct Code
- University Conduct System Handbook
- Global Safety and Support
- Travel Safety Policy
- University Travel Registry
- Risk Management Field Trip Guidelines
- University Vehicle Safety Policy
VIII. Definitions
Appropriate administrator: A dean, department chair, or director of an administrative unit, or authorized designee. In the context of this policy, this includes University affiliates serving as chaplains at Hendricks Chapel.
Currently enrolled student: A student who is currently registered at the University on a full- or part-time basis.
Non-University sponsored event or activity: An event or activity that occurs when travel to an off-campus activity or event beyond 100 miles of Syracuse, NY is required as part of membership in an RSO functioning under the auspices of Student Engagement, Fraternity and Sorority Affairs, Hendricks Chapel, or Competitive Club Sports but University funds are not utilized to support the travel.
Recognized Student Organization (RSO): A group of eight (8) or more Syracuse University students sharing a common interest or purpose that has successfully completed the recognition process and received recognized status from the University. RSOs represent varied interests including, without limitation, academic, governance, Greek-letter, honorary, and sports and recreation. SUNY-ESF students are permitted to comprise a portion of membership in Syracuse University RSOs.
Student organization travel/student travel: Any outing beyond 100 miles of Syracuse, NY that includes covered events or activities (see Section I above)
University-sponsored event or activity: An event or activity that:
- Is initiated, actively managed, planned, and/or arranged by a member of the University’s faculty or staff, or by members of an RSO that has been granted recognition by the University.
- Is approved by an appropriate administrator and/or an event or activity that the University actively manages, is involved with, or oversees financially, physically, or administratively.
- Must be accompanied by a staff or faculty member, except as outlined above.
IX. Policy Administration and Responsible Office
Student Engagement
X. Responsible Executive
Senior Vice President and Chief Student Experience Officer
XI. Revision History
August 2007: Original Issue
August 2010, December 2017: Previous Revision(s)
March 2025: Current Version Approved