Mail Services Policy



Policy Statement

Mail Services is the responsible University unit for gathering, sorting, and delivering all interdepartmental campus mail and mail received from the U.S. Postal Service. It is also responsible for gathering outgoing mail and affixing postage as necessary for outgoing mail related to University business.

Campus mail is for the internal business of the University and is not to be used for personal, political or union business.

Postage metering equipment cannot be purchased by individual departments.

Mail submitted for postage to the Mail Department that does not show a return address or that has a personal return address is considered personal mail and is not eligible for University metering or University-paid postage.

Mail is sorted to the department indicated in the address. Departments are responsible for noting on undeliverable mail the forwarding address of a transferred or departed employee.

Mail Services does not hold mail. Mail received prior to the starting date of employment of any new faculty or staff member should be held by that person’s department. Upon arrival, new employees should check with their departmental office to see if mail is being held on their behalf.

Mail Services handles all classes of mail destined for the U.S. Postal Service except periodical and standard bulk mail. Publications printed under the University’s periodical postal permit and items intended for standard bulk are handled through the Word Processing and Bulk Distribution Center.

Policy Administration

Links to Procedures and Related Information

Amended: October 2005