Hazardous Materials Purchase


Faculty and staff

Policy Statement

Purchase requisitions for hazardous materials are processed through the University’s Purchasing Department. The University principal investigator or supervisor assigned oversight and management of areas where hazardous materials are stored or used, must ensure that:

  • the area receiving the material(s) has the appropriate storage space, signage, procedures and equipment in place to ensure safe storage and use of the hazardous material in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws and the University’s Hazardous Materials Storage Policy.
  • all purchases of hazardous materials are appropriately reviewed for approval. This review must consider the quantity purchased, toxicity, and availability of appropriate storage and use facilities and equipment (i.e. fume hood). The section of the purchase requisition form labeled “Mark For” must state the name of the supervisor and the intended use location.
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are obtained, reviewed by and available to employees prior to handing or using a hazardous material.
  • the materials are added to their chemical inventory via the Environmental Health Office (EHO).
  • every attempt has been made to utilize product substitution to select materials that are less hazardous.
  • pre-approval for hazardous materials acquisition by other means, such as donation, has been secured from the vice chancellor and provost or appropriate vice president.
  • orders and shipments of radioactive material have prior approval of the Radiation Safety Officer and are shipped directly to the EHO.

Use of a procurement card for purchases of hazardous materials is prohibited.

Policy Administration

Links to Procedures and Related Information

Amended: September 2005