Petroleum Bulk Storage



Policy Statement

University owners and operators of petroleum bulk storage tanks are expected to conduct activities in conjunction with the requirements and guidelines of the University’s Petroleum Bulk Storage Maintenance Manual. The tank owner/operator is responsible for ensuring that a current registration certificate is posted at each tank location and that the Environmental Health Office (EHO) is informed of any modification to a tank that could affect the registration information. The tank owner/operator (contracting department) must notify EHO prior to the installation, removal or modification of a petroleum bulk storage tank on University property.

University maintenance personnel are responsible for performing required tank inspections and monitoring and forwarding inspection/monitoring results to EHO. Tank operators and/or maintenance personnel must ensure proper operation of tank leak detection, overfill prevention and inventory monitoring equipment at all times and must immediately report any deficiencies to their supervisor and EHO. Tank owners/operators must ensure that all fuel transfers are monitored and performed in accordance with the University’s Petroleum Product Transfer Procedure. In the event of a tank discovery (above or underground) or product release contact EHO immediately.

Policy Administration

Links to Procedures and Related Information

Amended: August 2005