Respiratory Protection



Policy Statement

Employees of the University that have been assigned respiratory protection to reduce workplace inhalation exposures from hazardous materials, as identified by the Environmental Health Office (EHO) job task evaluations, are expected to fulfill the requirements of the University’s Respiratory Protection Program (RPP) written in conjunction with the OSHA Respirator Standard, (29 CFR 1910.134).

Supervisors are responsible for notifying EHO if the potential exists for employees, under their supervision, to have known or suspected exposures to workplace airborne contaminants. EHO will provide evaluations to determine if respiratory protection is warranted. Individual departments are responsible for implementation of RPP requirements. University personnel who, in the course of employment, are required to participate in emergency response actions for which respiratory protection may be required, are also required to participate in the University’s Respiratory Protection Program. Use of respirators by University employees not participating in the Respiratory Protection Program is prohibited.

The University seeks to minimize occupational hazards to employees and expects them to act responsibly by:

  • adhering to the policy and procedures outlined in the written program
  • participating in prescribed medical evaluations as required by the program
  • attending annual training and fit testing
  • properly wearing and caring for their assigned respirator equipment
  • knowing the job tasks for which respiratory protection is required

Policy Administration

Links to Procedures and Related Information

Date: August 2005