Paid Time Off, Vacation


Benefits eligible staff employees

Policy Statement

The vacation entitlement schedule for benefits eligible staff employees is based on years of service.

Benefits Eligible Exempt Staff Employees

MilestoneAnnual Number of Vacation Days
Upon reaching July 1 following the date of hire20
Upon reaching the fiscal year in which the 20th anniversary falls25
Upon reaching the fiscal year in which the 30th anniversary falls30

Benefits Eligible Non-Exempt Staff Employees

MilestoneAnnual Number of Vacation Days
Upon reaching July 1 following the date of hire10
Upon reaching the fiscal year in which the:
5th anniversary falls
11th anniversary falls16
12th anniversary falls17
13th anniversary falls18
14th anniversary falls19
15th anniversary falls20
16th anniversary falls21
17th anniversary falls22
18th anniversary falls23
19th anniversary falls24
20th anniversary falls25
30th anniversary falls30

The University’s fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.

Benefits eligible part-time staff employees are allotted vacation days in accordance with the above table, but the vacation pay is pro-rated based on the percent of full-time effort. For example, a non-exempt fiscal year benefits eligible staff employee with 1 to 5 years of service, working 20 hours per week would be eligible for 40 hours of vacation time (10 days of vacation multiplied by the average effort of 4 hours per day). A benefits eligible staff employee working full-time during the academic year is eligible for the noted number of vacation days pro-rated by the proportion of time worked in the fiscal year (8.5/12 = 70 percent) or 7 full days in the example of a benefits eligible non-exempt staff employee with 1 to 5 years of service; in this case, the vacation is used during the academic year.

Vacation time must be scheduled by mutual agreement of the benefits eligible staff employee and his/her supervisor. A new allotment of vacation is awarded each July 1st and, as a general rule, must be used by the following June 30th. Unused vacation at June 30th may not be reimbursed or carried forward to the next fiscal year. In rare special circumstances, carryover of unused vacation may be allowed with the written consent of the dean, director, or department head and the chief human resources officer.

The vacation entitlement schedule for bargaining unit staff employees is also based on years of service. Bargaining unit staff employees should consult the collective bargaining agreement for additional details about this benefit.

Policy Administration

Links to Procedures and Related Information

Date: April 2005